TEP Lesson Plan


"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb

TEP Core Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Preparation


Building letter recognition and sounds.


RF.K.1 Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.

RF.K.1 (d) recognize and name all upper- and lower-case letters of the alphabet.

RF.K.3 (a) demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant.





Student will be able to interact with letters to better understand the letter name-sound connection. 

Student will be able to build letter-recognition fluency, demonstrate their knowledge of letter names and sounds by creating an alphabet book.




My ABC book, Letter tiles (lower and upper case), alphabetical pictures, file folder game stretch (match capital letter and practice letter sounds)






Classify, differentiate

Student Grouping

Individual, small groups

Differentiated Instruction/ Access for All Students

This lesson is for one-on-one student or groups



Teacher will use pictures on addition to the letters to support understanding

Learning-Teaching Process


Anticipatory Set

Activate Student Interest

Use the file folder game to learn and practice capital letter recognition and letter sounds


5 minutes

Activate Prior Knowledge


Sing the ABC’s song and ask some letter sounds

10 min.

“I can”

Show words to recognize upper/lower case letters and sounds



Lesson Core

Formative Assessment


Content Exploration


We will explore the letter recognition and sounds through direct instruction



The teacher will determinate the need for the tutorial based on the letter recognition/sound assessment that teacher will conduct with the student




The teacher will model the sound of each letter and request that the students also say the sound with me then alone. The teacher will model how to find/recognize an upper/lower case letter




Modeling will be imbedded in the guided practice.

10 min.

Guided Practice



The teacher will guide the student through the letter sounds and recognition of upper/lower case letters with the activities that we will do as practice such as the file folder game, letter tiles and alphabetical pictures.



The teacher will document the student’s success on the anecdotal records provided to determinate whether to move or if more practice is needed.

10 min.

Independent Practice/Assignment/Homework


The student will pronounce and recognize the beginning letter of each picture showed to him/her.

Homework: student will work on his/her ABC’s book by gluing a picture that starts with each letter of the ABC’s.


20 min.


As closure we will review the ABC’s letter and sounds the upper/lower case letter as well in students’ own words.



8 min.

Summative Assessment (End of Unit)

The student independent practice and closure will be use as assessment of this lesson.

Lesson Reflection (Complete after lesson)